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Upay Mobile Banking Account Opening Rules In 2021

 Upay Mobile Banking 

A new mobile banking service called Upay has been launched on 17 May 2021 All-new blockchain features have been introduced, thus enabling mobile banking services in Bangladesh to keep pace with the developed world. UCB Bank has launched Upaya mobile banking service. Today we will share with you how to create Upay Mobile Banking Account.

Upay Mobile Banking Account Opening Rules

Upay There are rules for opening a mobile banking account. You can create an account with anyone you want. The first is "through" way " Agents and the second is through way-apps.

How To Create An Account Through Upay Agent

First, you have A go to the agent's shop near , take yourS mobile with you and take your NID card with You.  AND You will need the NID card of the person in whose name you will create the account.

The way to talk to the agent is to tell your mobile number and hand over the NID card to the agent. When the agent first creates the account with your mobile number, an OTP code will be sent to your mobile. Fill in the account information with the card.

Then the agent will take an image of you and he will create your account completely.

Then a temporary PIN number will be sent to your mobile and with that, you will have to create a new PIN COD number again as you wish and please never share this PIN COD number with anyone.

How To Open Upay Mobile Banking Account Through Upay Apps

First, download and install the Upay app from the Google Play Store. Now open the apps, after opening you give your mobile number and select the mobile operator. Select which operator you are using, Grameenphone, Banglalink, Teletalk or Robi.

Then an OTP code will be sent to your mobile and you confirm your mobile number with that code.

Then you take the picture on both sides of your NID card properly with your mobile and confirm.

Then you have to take a picture of yourself which the app will show you automatically. You take your picture in the right way. When you take a picture, you must move your face a little and then keep it in normal condition.

If you can submit your photo and NID card correctly then your account will be created.

Then you select this option in the translation condition of the way and create a new four-digit PIN number. Please do not share this PIN number with anyone.

You usually log in to Upay apps now with your mobile number and four-digit PIN number and enjoy all the mobile banking services of Upay Apps in a beautiful way.

Ways Mobile Banking Services will keep you updated with the latest updates so stay tuned to this blog.

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